COSONE孵化 | UARE · 看不见的灵魂外衣,却闻得到Client:U ARE / BISINUOLAN Project:香氛·品牌孵化 Team:COSONE / New York / Marc Rosen Service:趋势洞察 / 品牌策略 / 产品概念 / 形象设计 / 瓶型设计 / 视觉创意 / 单品牌店设计 / 新品发布会策划执行 / 创意TVC拍摄 / 行销传播 COSONE携手老佛爷的御用设计大师 MARC ROSEN教授,为碧斯诺兰孵化香氛品牌—'U ARE" U A R E BRANDING Unique, the essence that touches your inner voice. For the woman who knows that she is special. Looking for a fragrance that expresses her personal style. One that gives her a sense of confidence every time she wears it. A deeply personal fragrance that speaks to your sense of self, your aspirations and your dreams. ‘U Are’ is a beautiful fragrance that you can wear for any occasion; business, intimate dinners, at clubs and on weekends with friends and family. The designer, crystal bottle will appeal to your sense of aesthetics, taste and status. You will want to keep it long after you have used all of the scent within. A perfect present, it is the best gift you can give to yourself. ‘U Are’, the fragrance that completes you. 独特、自由、性感、时尚......你大概很难找出一个准确的形容词来定义一个新时代的摩登女性。 新时代女性的个性流露于平常的独立。她可以西装革履地穿梭在林立的摩天大楼,像个披着金甲战衣的将军,战无不胜;华灯初上,她是穿着性感皮衣的女王,摇晃的红酒透着彩色的梦;日常酒会,也要像身着中世纪礼服的王妃,优雅端庄;回归家庭,褪去所有装饰,她也是一只梦幻的精灵。 她或许和别人有着类似的穿着和妆容,但内在的修饰却一定与众不同,那是来自灵魂深处的味道,一件看不见的外衣。 每个独立女性都应拥有属于自己的味道,每一个独特的灵魂都应拥有独一无二的穿着。 “U Are”,为你披上无形的百花战袍。 M O O D B O A R D S U A R E W O M A N U ARE’ is for the woman who knows that she is special. ‘U ARE’ 是为那些知道她很特别的女性创造的。 ‘U ARE’, the fragrance that completes you. ‘U ARE’,让你成为完整的自己。 I N S P I R A T I O N The sensual folds of the fabrics in the various fashions represents ‘the fabric of life’. The undulating path towards personal and professional success that we all travel on. 各种时尚面料的感官褶皱代表了 “生活的结构”。 走向个人和职业成功的起伏路径。 B O T T L E D E S I G N The story behind creativity / 创意背后的故事 This very unique bottle is made up of a series of alternating, embossed glass wands pointing in the directions that life takes us. The gold cap holds a clear Lucite pointed wand pointing to success. This very contemporary bottle is unique in its shape and character. 这个非常独特的瓶子是由一系列交替的浮雕玻璃棒组成的,指向生活带给我们的方向。 金色帽子上挂着一根醒目的指向成功的璐彩特魔杖。这极具现代感的瓶子在其形状和特点上都是独一无二的。 SHOW TIME Marc Rosen教授从纽约亲临上海发布会现场,与5000位嘉宾分享UARE香水品牌的创意故事……