COSONE孵化 | 彩妆原创概念 “新古典灵感”Project:新古典·香水概念主创 Team:COSONE / Felipe sena Service:品牌孵化 / 创意策略 / 创意故事 / 器型创作 / 文案策划 / 视频动画合成 / 由主创独立完成 Neo-Classical Inspiration Inspired by the background of the brand with creative emphasis on the neo-classical,my packaging will feature design elements from the architecture and decor of that epoch.While these motifs began in the eighteenth century in Europe inspired by GreRoman temples,they have been used by designers during the Art Modern periods as well. 新古典灵感 受品牌背景的启发和对新古典主义的创造性强调,我们的包装将采用此风格的建筑和装饰设计元素,而这些图案始源于十八世纪的欧洲,它们也曾被设计师在装饰艺术和后现代时期使用过,是受到希腊和罗马神庙的启发。 如有意购买此概念设计,请与COSONE联系 商务洽谈:simon@lionebrand.com |